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Chronic illness, weight gain, sluggishness, irritability, stress, sleepless nights, cranky joints, do these terms sound familiar? That's because they're all too common in todays world, and I want to change that. 

Bottom line- the quality of your food matters. Food has the power to heal, fuel, and give you the building blocks your body needs to function. The problem is, most of the food we consume today is highly processed, loaded with artificial ingredients, and most importantly harming your health.

To add fuel to the fire of our inferior nutrition, we live highly sedentary lifestyles with minimal activity, minimal sunlight exposure, toxin exposure from various sources, and maximal stress. 

Take all of these factors into consideration and it's no wonder our bodies start to break down as we age. But what if I told you that didn't have to be the case? What if you could continue to age and still maintain a high level of function?

That's where I come in. It's my job to educate, guide, and arm you with the knowledge on how to navigate this toxic world we find ourselves in. You deserve to be healthy, function well into your elder years just as you did in your early ones, and to be around for your family, children, and loved ones. Your life matters, your body matters, and I want to help you make the most of it.


Certifications, courses, & classes:

Primal Institute: Health & Nutrition Expert

Primal Institute: Functional Therapeutic Diets Specialist (in progress)

SIBO Doctor: Liver & Gallbladder Masterclass

SIBO Doctor: SIBO Mastery Course (in progress)

IYCA Highschool Strength & Conditioning Specialist

EXOS Fitness Specialist

Triphasic Sport Specific Coaches Cert​

NASM Stretching & Flexibility Specialist

The Ready State Movement & Mobility 101 Course

R2P Academy ACL Rehab Course


I would like to introduce the inspiration behind starting this journey: my Dad. In 2016, he was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. This is an illness where many patients pass within 6 months to a year, and there is no cure. However, my dad was determined to beat the odds and he was able to battle for almost 7 years; long enough to be around for as many life milestones as possible. 

I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that the most effective treatment he ever received was changing the food he ate. After traditional medicine offered no solutions to help prolong his life, he turned to integrative medicine where he connected with many forward thinking doctors, each of which helped to slow the progression of his disease, and gave us more time with him. With that said, his diet was far from perfect, and the more I've learned over time the more I look back at what could've been changed for the better. 

I know hindsight is 20/20, but this became the motivation I needed to turn my grief into something positive. Traditional medicine will have you think differently, but you are in the driver's seat when it comes to your health, and I believe the food you eat is the biggest difference maker in enhancing the quality of your life, and overcoming any disease you may be facing. Yes, any disease.
My Dad was the epitome of a genuine, kind, warm human being. Anyone who worked for him, loved him. Anyone who was friends with him, loved him. As a boss his employees would describe him using words such as fair, graceful, compassionate, kind, understanding, and selfless. As a father, he couldn't have set a higher bar. He was there for every sporting event, every test that needed studying for, and he made it home every night to have dinner as a family. My dad dedicated himself to us with every ounce of strength he had, despite struggling to maintain function as the disease wore on.  
For every client I work with, I'm not just working for you. I'm working for your parents, your spouse, your children, your friends, and anyone that loves you. They deserve to have you around for as long as possible, and you deserve to be around for them. 
Revolution Health Coaching is dedicated to my Dads memory, and every person I serve will be given the same dedication that my Dad gave to my family and his work- that is my promise to you, because you deserve to live a long, healthy, happy life.

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